Aqualyx is a non-surgical injectable fat loss treatment. Aqualyx is a gel based compound solution from the deoxycholate acid family, which is produced by our bile duct, by creating a slow release sugar- based system, reducing the biological half-life of the solution, minimising side effects, to help break down fats.
It is licensed for use in the UK for localised or spot removal of fat from areas such as the chin, knees, hips, thighs or under the buttocks and is generally regarded as safe.
It used as a body contouring treatment. It is NOT a weight loss solution and is suitable for smaller, stubborn pockets of fat, not large areas fat reduction.
This solution was developed by Professor Pasquale Motolese, president of the Italian Society of Aesthetics and Medicine, and has been in use since 2009.
What is Fat Dissolving made of?
Deoxycholic acid has been used in various fields of human medicine since its discovery. Present also in the human body, deoxycholic acid is used in the emulsification of fats for the absorption in the intestine.
How does Aqualyx work?
Aqualyx, a gel-based solution, is injected into areas of unwanted fat. The solution works by attaching to fatty deposits, liquefying and disrupting the surface of the fat cells, causing them to weaken, making it unstable and become permeable, releasing the fatty acid that’s stored within the cell. Cell residue is then removed and the fat is broken down by the body’s defences. The released fatty acids are converted to energy and is then absorbed by the body and excreted through the lymphatic system.
It is a permanent result assuming the person having the treatment doesn’t gain weight after the treatment.
What are the benefits of Aqualyx Fat Dissolving?
There are many benefits of having Aqualyx. It is a highly effective, non-surgical alternative to liposuction and surgery, often used to improve body contouring and inch loss.
It can help boost confidence and help reduce the appearance of cellulite. .
How effective is Fat Dissolving?
Aqualyx is extremely effective providing the aftercare is followed and weight is not gained after treatment.
Results may vary from person to person.
How long does it last?
Aqualyx is a permanently fat loss solution. However, if weight is gained after the treatment it will reverse the effects and if the aftercare if not followed accurately, more treatments may be required or the desired outcome will be less likely.
Who can have the treatment?
Aqualyx can be given to anyone between the ages of 18 to 60 years old can have the treatment. Although each client needs to look at their suitability to ensure they have no contra indications to having the treatment.
Who can’t have the treatment?
Unfortunately like many treatments, some clients will be unable to have aqualyx.
Anyone with the following will not be able to have the treatment.
· Thyroid problems
· Kidney problems
· Cancer or undergoing cancer treatment
· Pregnant or breast feeding
· Tumours/ unusual lumps and bumps
· Neuromuscular disorders/ disorders of the nervous system
· Antibiotics
· Allergies/ anaphylaxis seizures / epilepsy
· Recent operations / fractures/ recent scar tissue or prone to keloid scarring
· Haemophilia (unable to form blood clots)
· Skin diseases/ skin disorders
· Inflammation
· Bruising/ swelling
· Warts, cuts, abrasions in the area to be treated
· Viral infections/ infections
· Serve asthmatic
· Hyper sensitivity
· Auto immune diseases
· Recent laser/ chemical peels
· Haemophilia
· Rheumatoid arthritis
· Polymyositis (inflammatory disease causing muscle weakness)
· Dermatomyositis (long term inflammatory disease affecting skin and muscles)
· Lupus enthematosus (affects immune system, skin, joints, kidneys and organs)
· Scleroderma (affects skins, connective tissue and internal organs)
· Exacerbation of chronic diseases (pulmonary)
In some cases the treatment can go ahead at a later stage or with a note from a doctor.
It is the discretion of the practitioner if they will inject but the safety of the client is most important.
What are the possible side effects?
There are very few side effects to Aqualyx. However, it can be normal to have bruising, reddening of the skin and swelling. In some cases the area can be tender to the touch for a couple of days.
Following the Aqualyx Fat Dissolving treatment it is important to follow the aftercare advice given by the practitioner.
· Drink plenty of water
· No exercise for 24 hours
· Massage the area each day in an upward motion
· 24 hours after the treatment avoid using sunbeds or going in the sun.
· 24 hours refrain from taking medication – unless suitable and prescribed by your doctor.
· Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
· Apply a cold compress 24 – 42 hours after the treatment
· Use spf 50 sun protection
· Cleanse, tone, moisturise
· Use over the counter pain relief if necessary
· Continue with prescription medication after 4 hours of the treatment
· Seek medical attention immediately if you have an allergic reaction, seek medical attention 72 hours after treatment if headaches persists and are in pain and pain relief does work
· If needle point entries become infected (rare) treat with antibiotic ointment – seek from your doctor.
What is the treatment procedure?
As with all treatments a client consultation will take place. The practitioner will understand the results the client would like to achieve and be realistic with the clients as to what they are likely to achieve. The practitioner will numb the area the clients wants to treat and prepare the injections, then procedure with the treatment. All aftercare will be given to the client.
What do I do before the treatment to help with results?
Before the treatment, make sure you are eligible for the treatment, paid your deposit, do not have any facial treatments, go on sunbed or be in direct contact with sun, have no heat treatments, avoid exercising and drinking alcohol.
Please note certain antibiotics and medication may influence the results of the treatment and it would be advised to wait a week after the course of medication has finished for best results.
Please note small needles will be used as part of the procedure and all pain management will be taken into account. However, if you want to use numbing cream the practitioner will NOT administer this prior to the treatment and you can get this yourself from pharmacies, apply this to the treatment areas yourself 30 minutes before the treatment. Ask the practitioner what would be recommended if you want to consider using numbing cream.
What are the treatment areas?
Aqualyx can be used on almost anywhere on the body.
The main areas treated with aqualyx are:
Face: These count as 1 area and can be packed to combine the areas as per clients requirements
· Chin
· Neck
· Jaw
Body: These are all treated as 1 area (price may vary from each area) a combination of more than 1 area can be treated:
· Underarms
· Upper stomach
· Lower stomach
· Love handles
· Under bum
· Inner thigh
· Outer thing
· Knees
· Ankles
· Calf
How much Aqualyx is needed in each area?
This will depend on the area of the body to be treated and how much fat is in the area, will depend upon each client. Some clients will need more than 1 treatment.